Wednesday, April 15, 2015

May, 5th and day 4 left early as usual as we like to get on the road before it gets too hot, it was pretty hard finding the little alleys and paths in the dark, but we made it down to the river flood plain buy 6 4/5 am from the town of Santarem.

This was a tricky day with lots of bad signs and switch backs, decided to throttle back a bit and stop for coffee after each 10 kilometers, take off our boots and give the old feet a rub. Didn't help much as there was a lot of hard pack and asphalt, that's the stuff that hammers your feet, and the soles of mine were so sore when we got to GOLEGA where we are staying, that I soaked them in ice for a half hour.
the big toes are still bruised but not getting any worse since I cut the front of the liner off. In fact I stopped on trail today to trim it a little more

Resting near a Way marker with the tunes playing a little jazz,,,soul food

Closing in on Golega, we hiked through and past the abandoned church of St Joao d

e Vinchenzo, was kind of eerie to say the least, but when a cow in the field fell over as I walked past,I took it as a sign to wash my hiking gear properly tonight
in Quinta de Bros we witness the swallows coming back to roost for the summer, was really cool, and they didn't mind how bad I smelled, but at this point our feet were really starting go cry, yet everything else is showing signs of improvement, hope so as there is only 1020. Miles to go.
This is what we were looking for, the church in Galega and the end of this long day.
Beer,shower,ice feet, clean clothes,dinner, and not nessecarily in the order.

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